Dennisville Historic Home Owners Association
Dennisville Historic Home Owners Association

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PO Box 311
Dennisville, N.J. 08214-0311
Phone: 609-861-1338

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Dennisville Historic Home Owners Association
Featured House for 2016 - The Herbert M. and Harriet Carroll House - 1883.

christmas floral pencil drawing of 2016 featured house The Herbert M. and Harriet Carroll House - 1883 christmas floral

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The Herbert M. and Harriet Carroll House - 1883 The Herbert M. and Harriet Carroll House - 1883 The Herbert M. and Harriet Carroll House - 1883

From the Historical Perspective:

The Carroll House is a late example of the Gothic Revival style built with a 2 1/2 story frame, 3 bays wide and a tall cross gable in the center of the facade. The center front door has an original arched transom and 3 light sidelights. The door is sheltered by an original, 1 story porch with molded square columns topped with heavy scroll brackets. Herbert Carroll is enumerated in the 1900 census as a 55 year old widowed merchant living in the house with 3 sons and a daughter. The house currently serves as parsonage for the Dennisville United Methodist Church.

The Herbert M. and Harriet Carroll House - 1883 The Herbert M. and Harriet Carroll House - 1883 The Herbert M. and Harriet Carroll House - 1883

From the Personal Perspective:

Upon arrival in Dennisville a year ago, we immediately realized how blessed we were to be assigned here and to have the opportunity to be a part of this community. We have been impressed by both the universal interest and pride of the history of our community. It is an honor to live in this parsonage that has contributed its own part to the historic mosaic of Dennisville. We look forward to this year's Christmas tour and we are excited to be the feature home.

The Herbert M. and Harriet Carroll House - 1883 The Herbert M. and Harriet Carroll House - 1883 The Herbert M. and Harriet Carroll House - 1883

The Herbert M. and Harriet Carroll House - 1883 The Herbert M. and Harriet Carroll House - 1883 The Herbert M. and Harriet Carroll House - 1883

The Herbert M. and Harriet Carroll House - 1883

"Preserve what you have-you can never replace it."
Jef Buehler, Main Street New Jersey, NJDCA